Tag Archives: University Of Michigan

04.25.2011 | EcoMendable Actions: A Conversation with PitE Students

This week on the program, we found some rays of sunshine on a rainy day.  Kadie McShirley and Lindsay, two students from the Program in the Environment, joined us in the studio to share their most recent projects and travels. A degree in sus­tain­ability can be chal­lenging — how do they stay positive amidst the barrage of dif­fi­cult envi­ron­mental news? Listen!

And as men­tioned at the end of the show, help three new farms get started in the Ann Arbor area but par­tic­i­pating in the kick­starter campaign Tools to Till Tilian before May 5th. I’m sure we’ll have someone on a future show to tell us all about the Tilian Farm Development Center “farm incu­bator” project that is just getting launched.