You’ve probably heard the phrase “native plants” before, but what does that really mean? How long does a plant need to be around to be considered “native”? Drew Lathin, a life-long gardener and founder of Creating Sustainable Landscapes LLC was kind enough to join us in the studio to talk to us about the benefits and importance of native plants and provide some recommendations for local Michiganders who want to set up a more sustainable landscape in their own yards.
Drew Lathin founded Creating Sustainable Landscapes LLC in 2012 to promote a return to and reestablishment of sustainable landscape design. A focus of his is on native plants, or those that were here prior to European colonialism. Lathin points out the seemingly endless benefits of native plants, the legacies of indigenous land stewardship, how we might rehabilitate and foster the health of natural areas, and what #BigHorticulture doesn’t want you to know about the native plant movement.

As Lathin explains, a return to native plants and a more sustainable landscape can promote a healthy ecosystem from the bottom up, support pollinator populations, protect endangered populations, and provide for native wildlife. They can also look beautiful, save you time and money, and it’s easier than you think! As we face a mass extinction, it’s more important than ever to going the movement, tune in to learn where to start!
NY Times: The Insect Apocalypse is Here
The Guardian: Plummeting insect numbers ‘threaten collapse of nature’