Talkin’ GMOs with Jeffrey Sachs

It’s Hot In Here
It’s Hot In Here
Talkin' GMOs with Jeffrey Sachs

Wondering about all this hype and con­tro­versy around GMO’s? “It’s Hot in Here Radio” presents an hour of GMO talk, punc­tu­ated with some catchy tunes, including, yes, a rap song about GMO’s.

Millions of people speak out against the spread of Monsanto’s biotech food, but what is the science actually saying about the safety of Genetically Modified Organisms? Local activists Karen and Francis preview “World Food Day” coming up this weekend, October 15th, 5-​​9pm at the Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market — where the talk and activism will be centered around edu­ca­tion about the harmful effects of GMO’s. Also in this radio hour, hear exceprts from a pre-​​recorded inter­view with Jeffrey Smith, a best­selling author who is leading the charge to warn the public.

UM Campus Sustainability Variety Show

It’s Hot In Here
It’s Hot In Here
UM Campus Sustainability Variety Show

Sick of envi­ron­mental talk being so gloomy-​​n-​​doomy? Wish you knew more about what sustainability-​​related ini­tia­tives and events were hap­pening on U-M’s campus? Been han­kering for some great tunes about Mother Earth? Welp, then WCBN 88.3FM has the answer for you!

Co-​​hosts Kat Superfisky and Laura “Smitty” Smith bring you the “U’M Sustainability Variety Hour”!

Not all envi­ron­mental talk needs to be depressing! listen in on this infor­ma­tive and inspi­ra­tional segment about sus­tain­ability hap­pening right here on U-M’s campus…from the top down AND bottom up!

Special guests include: Student Sustainability Initiative, Environmental Issues Commission, Graham Scholars, TEDxArb folks, and real students taking real sus­tain­ability courses!

Homegrown Festival Preview

It’s Hot In Here
It’s Hot In Here
Homegrown Festival Preview

The right­eous Laura Miesler joined us in the studio to chat about the upcoming, also right­eous, Homegrown Festival(!) Listen to that con­ver­sa­tion here…along with some great tunes by bands that will be at the festival. How can you listen and not get pumped about this event? Additionally in this episode: learn what to do when vehicles vacate city streets, and why Brazil nuts are so dang good for you.

05.23.2011 | Change. Chicken. Curiosity. Clean Air.

It’s Hot In Here
It’s Hot In Here
05.23.2011 | Change. Chicken. Curiosity. Clean Air.

Join us this week as we check-​​in and chat change with Kat Superfisky in Brooklyn, John Harnois on his farm in Whitmore Lake, Emily Plews in Columbus, and Michelle Martinez in Detroit! Bam!

Lessons Learned

  • The Big Apple is Green, and Superfisky is basi­cally famous.
  • The brand spankin’ new Ann Arbor Wednesday Night Market opens June 1st (4:30–8:30PM) in Kerrytown and the West Side Farmers Market opens Thursday June 2nd (3-​​7PM!) in the parking lot of Zingerman’s Roadhouse!  Bo​th will have music and other deli­cious things. Mark your cal­en­dars to ‘shop on by’ and say hi to everyone’s favorite fowl farmer John Harnois of Harnois Farms and IHIH’s own green thumb Shannon Brines of Brines Farm!
  • Appreciative Inquiry is comin’s outta Case Western University in Cleveland. Neat.
  • Get your third I/​eye on, says Emily Plews. Curiosity and re-​​flect/​flexion make all kinds of new things possible. Try it, you’ll like it.
  • Particulates (including PM2.5) blow more than just your nose.  Get more info here and sign THIS PETITION in support of the EPA’s strong air-​​toxics standard.  Thank you Michelle and to the Sierra Club for working to keep the air we breath from con­tributing to our pre­ma­ture death(s).   Air. For your health!

05.16.2011 | A Conversation with Michelle Martinez of the Sierra Club

It’s Hot In Here
It’s Hot In Here
05.16.2011 | A Conversation with Michelle Martinez of the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club’s not just about birds anymore.

Join us, as we talk fish, hair, toxics, green jobs, energy, envi­ron­mental justice and more with Michelle Martinez, former UM School of Natural Resources and Environment M.S. student and current orga­nizer with the Sierra Club.

05.09.2011 | Earth Art with Beth Diamond

It’s Hot In Here
It’s Hot In Here
05.09.2011 | Earth Art with Beth Diamond

This week we talk Earth Art, Detroit’s Heidelberg Project, lim­i­nality, and jam to some stone cold grooves with Beth Diamond.

Beth was a “a land­scape theorist, designer and cultural insti­gator,” Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Michigan, and Lead Project Designer for the Heidelberg Project’s Cultural Village in the Black Bottom District of Detroit. Join us, visit Detroit, make some earth art, be provocative!

04.25.2011 | EcoMendable Actions: A Conversation with PitE Students

This week on the program, we found some rays of sunshine on a rainy day.  Kadie McShirley and Lindsay, two students from the Program in the Environment, joined us in the studio to share their most recent projects and travels. A degree in sus­tain­ability can be chal­lenging — how do they stay positive amidst the barrage of dif­fi­cult envi­ron­mental news? Listen!

And as men­tioned at the end of the show, help three new farms get started in the Ann Arbor area but par­tic­i­pating in the kick­starter campaign Tools to Till Tilian before May 5th. I’m sure we’ll have someone on a future show to tell us all about the Tilian Farm Development Center “farm incu­bator” project that is just getting launched.

Why do we waste?

It’s Hot In Here
It’s Hot In Here
Why do we waste?


We chatted with UM doctoral student about his year-​​long exper­i­ment to go trash-​​free. See audio link to show below, and learn about how he managed this exper­i­ment, blogged about it, and inspired others in the process! Check out Darshan’s blog for his reflec­tions on trash in society.

04.11.2011 | Energy, Budgets, Birds

It’s Hot In Here
It’s Hot In Here
04.11.2011 | Energy, Budgets, Birds

Join us for the debut of IHIH’s newest co-​​hosts Laura (Lolo Smith) and Kat (Superfly) Superfisky!

Kerry Duggan, Senior Advisor, Legislative Affairs, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy joins us to hype the April 21-​​22nd workshop held in the Michigan League entitled: Revitalizing Innovation in Michigan for Clean Energy Manufacturing Click on the workshop title to register!

Jesse Worker joins us from Flint, MI to chat energy effi­ciency upgrades and eval­u­ating project performance!

Rachel Chadderdon tells us what’s in season in the Denver region!

And last, but never least, Ashley Lowe gives us some sound advice on managing our personal finances!